Joe Considine is a highly regarded attorney based in West Palm Beach who specializes in Marchman Act and Family Law cases throughout the state of Florida.
He has more than twenty years of experience assisting families with the difficult decisions faced when a loved one is in the midst of substance abuse and its devastation. Joe is a persuasive litigator who has handled more than 2,000 cases. He is an innovative problem-solver and the choice of many treatment centers and mental health professionals who often refer families of their clients to him.
If your loved one is suffering from substance abuse issues, Joe Considine can help you choose the right solution to protect their best interests as well as your family’s best interests through the Marchman Act.
The Marchman Act is a Florida law that allows a court to order a person with substance use issues into treatment.
Click on video below to hear Joe explain the Marchman Act.
If you have a family member with a substance abuse problem, you are not without options.
While your loved one with the impairment is often unable to perceive that there is a problem, and remains in denial for a long time, the law provides help to the substance abuser and his or her family.
Many families feel hopeless when a loved one with an addiction problem is out of control.
The Marchman Act gives them hope.